April Energy Read - 2024

This month we are traveling through some big astrology with some big, bold moves taking place in the sky. Much may change, shift and come to light this month out in the world and what happens on the macro also happens on the micro. Meaning we are influenced by that on a physical, energetic and soul level. Here is how you can support yourself through this transition.

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How To Connect With Your Soul

It is a lot simpler than we think, and in this video I share with you a powerful reframe that can be the doorway to a greater connection with your soul. This can be something you do in meditation, repeating this phrase over and over until you feel that energetic reorientation in your body. As you practice this regularly you will create a deeper and stronger connection that will then allow you to move back into this knowing, this state of being, with greater ease.

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Inner Child Healing Process

Healing is an important part of our awakening journey and helps us discover and release old ways of thinking, feeling, and being that hold us back from being our true, authentic selves. The version of us that we are learning more about and becoming through our awakening. In this video, I walk you through an inner child healing process that you can do simply as a guided visualisation or as a written journaling practice.

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March Energy Read - 2024

This months energy invites you to let go of the idea that there's a ‘path’ out in front of you that you're traveling along and remember the only experience you ever really have is the present moment. And to recognise how much information and insight is available to you when you are fully present and fully in your body. The question then is, how can you bring more of your energy, senses and awareness into the now so you are fully aware of what's in your body as information for you?

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February Energy Read - 2024

The energy for February feels fast paced and as though it can really help us get things going. This could be an acceleration with our own growth and inner work, or taking strides forward with what we are here to create. With this much forward momentum, it’s up to us to create a healthy balance of work and self care by listening to our body, listening to our needs and deeply honouring and attending to them.

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Kate MegeeComment
December Energy Read - 2023

The energy for the month ahead feels lighter than previous months and as though we’ve reached a point in our journey where we now have a new perspective on what we’ve being going through and where we’re heading. With that comes a sense of seeing for the first time, the start of a new path ahead and a call to trust more deeply what’s calling us and where we’re being led.

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Why Old Friendships Are Ending & You're Craving New Kinds Of Connections

Do you feel like certain relationships and friendships in your life are beginning to change and run their course? And at the same time, are craving different kinds of connections but haven’t found those people yet? There are two main reasons why you may be having this experience and things you can do to support yourself as you let go of the old and call in the new.

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November Energy Read - 2023

The energy for the month ahead holds opportunities for us to step into a role of activism and at the same time, a more subtle and inner journey of discovering our unique and individual light that we can connect with and express in the world. it’s time to put into action the clarity gained in October and begin to align to the values we have discovered through this to build new foundations for the life we wish to create.

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How We Stop War

We can feel so helpless, hopeless, and lost when we see war in our world. And while many of us will only be witness to what is happening abroad, we are not seperate from this war. We are an intricate part of its existence and with that knowing, we have an opportunity to to empower ourselves and act in a way that begins to create change. Change at a foundational level that has the potential to effect the lives of many.

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The Flow Of Money - A Channelled Message

Let money be free. Free to come, free to go. You know this feeling of not wanting to be trapped, held back, hidden, or hoarded. It is like trapping a beautiful butterfly in a cage and expecting it to live forever, to be happy in that cage too. But this is not money’s true nature, nor the butterfly. Both are free. Wild and free. Let money flow and be free. Free to come, free to go…

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Tap Into Unlimited Abundance - A Channelled Message

When you tap into your spiritual nature you tap into the great universal pool of abundance. And you begin to sense the unlimitedness, the un-boundness, the infiniteness. You get a sense of how expansive you are all while there is still a question in your human mind “could this be real?”. Our answer is yes, of course! There is nothing else. This is it. Abundance IS. Abundance always IS.

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