February Energy Read - 2024


The energy for February feels fast paced and as though it can really help us get things going. This could be an acceleration with our own growth and inner work, or taking strides forward with what we are here to create and shift in our lives.

The energy for this month feels as though a lighthouse has paused in its rotation and is illuminating a very clear path of light ahead of us. This is helping us to focus on our vision with more clarity and awareness.

This greater focus and fast paced energy offers the potential for us to learn a great deal, make some serious progress or begin to see a much fuller picture of where we are heading, what our path is and where we are being called.

With this much forward momentum here to drive us forward, it is up to us to create a healthy balance of work and self care by listening to our body, listening to our needs and deeply honouring and attending to them.

Kate MegeeComment